Florida, known as the Sunshine State, boasts an ideal environment for solar energy adoption. The state’s abundant sunlight, combined with favorable financial incentives, makes it a prime location for solar power. As more homeowners and businesses seek to transition to renewable energy, choosing the right solar installation company becomes crucial. Here’s a comprehensive overview of the top 30 solar companies in Florida, with SolarPrime USA leading the list for its exceptional service, quality products, and innovative financing options.

1. SolarPrime USA

Website: SolarPrime USA

SolarPrime USA stands out as the premier solar installation company in Florida, offering a comprehensive range of services, high-quality products, and exceptional customer support.

Comprehensive Services

SolarPrime USA provides a full suite of solar services, including design, installation, and maintenance. Their customized solutions are tailored to meet each client’s specific needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost savings. The company employs certified professionals who guarantee precision and care in every installation.

Quality and Reliability

SolarPrime USA partners with leading manufacturers to offer top-tier solar panels and components, ensuring long-lasting performance and reliability. Their installations are designed to withstand Florida’s weather conditions, ensuring durability and consistent energy production.

Customer Satisfaction

With excellent customer reviews and high satisfaction rates, SolarPrime USA is known for its personalized service. They guide customers through every step of the solar installation process, from initial consultation to post-installation support.

Innovative Financing Options

SolarPrime USA offers various financing options, including no upfront cost plans, solar leasing, and power purchase agreements (PPAs). These options make solar accessible to more homeowners, regardless of their financial situation. With flexible payment plans, SolarPrime USA helps clients save money while benefiting from renewable energy.

2. SunPower

Website: SunPower

SunPower is a leading solar company known for its high-efficiency solar panels and comprehensive service offerings. With a reputation for quality and innovation, SunPower is a top choice for homeowners looking to maximize their solar energy production.

High-Efficiency Panels

SunPower’s Maxeon solar cells are among the most efficient and reliable on the market. These panels are designed to deliver more energy in less space, making them ideal for homeowners with limited roof space. The Maxeon cells are built with a unique design that eliminates 85% of the reasons conventional cells fail, ensuring long-term reliability and performance. This high efficiency translates into greater energy production and savings on electricity bills.

Comprehensive Warranty

SunPower offers one of the most comprehensive warranties in the solar industry. Their 25-year warranty covers the panels, system components, and performance, providing peace of mind and protecting your investment. This warranty ensures that your solar system will continue to operate efficiently for decades, with minimal maintenance required.

Excellent Customer Support

SunPower is renowned for its exceptional customer service. Their dedicated support team assists customers throughout the entire installation process and beyond, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free experience. From the initial consultation to post-installation support, SunPower is committed to helping customers achieve their energy goals.

3. ADT Solar

Website: ADT Solar

ADT Solar is praised for its extensive warranty coverage and strong customer support, making it a trusted choice for homeowners looking to invest in solar energy.

Best Warranty Coverage

ADT Solar offers a 25-year warranty on both equipment and workmanship, ensuring long-term reliability and performance. This comprehensive warranty provides homeowners with confidence that their solar system will be protected against any defects or issues that may arise.

Financing Options

ADT Solar provides various financing options to make solar installations more affordable. Homeowners can choose from cash purchases or solar loans, allowing them to find a financing plan that suits their budget. These options make it easier for more people to access solar energy without the burden of high upfront costs.

4. Blue Raven Solar

Website: Blue Raven Solar

Blue Raven Solar is known for its innovative financing options and excellent customer service, making solar energy accessible to a wider audience.

Innovative Financing

Blue Raven Solar offers $0-down loans with no interest for 18 months, providing an affordable entry point for homeowners who might not have the upfront capital for solar installation. This financing option helps to reduce financial barriers and make solar energy more accessible.

Competitive Pricing

The company is recognized for its competitive pricing and strong reputation for customer satisfaction. Blue Raven Solar’s commitment to affordability and quality ensures that more homeowners can benefit from renewable energy solutions.

5. Momentum Solar

Website: Momentum Solar

Momentum Solar is recognized as a top regional provider, offering full-service installations and strong customer support.

Full-Service Installation

Momentum Solar handles every aspect of the solar installation process, from system design to permitting and installation. This comprehensive service ensures that customers have a seamless and stress-free experience from start to finish.

Timely Project Updates

The company is known for providing timely updates throughout the project, keeping customers informed and reassured. This transparency helps to build trust and ensures that customers are always aware of the status of their installation.

6. Elevation Solar

Website: Elevation Solar

Elevation Solar is known for its outstanding customer service and robust warranty offerings, making it a top choice for homeowners seeking reliable solar solutions.

Excellent Customer Service

Elevation Solar is committed to providing top-notch customer support. Their team works closely with clients to ensure a smooth and hassle-free installation process, addressing any concerns promptly and professionally.

Comprehensive Warranty

The company offers a 25-year warranty on equipment and performance, along with a 30-year warranty on workmanship. This extensive coverage provides homeowners with confidence in the longevity and reliability of their solar system.

7. Solar Source

Website: Solar Source

Solar Source is a leading local installer known for its high-quality installations and personalized service.

Quality Installations

Solar Source uses high-quality materials and follows best practices to guarantee long-lasting and efficient solar energy systems. Their commitment to quality ensures that customers receive reliable and effective solar solutions.

Strong Local Presence

As a local provider, Solar Source offers personalized service and strong community involvement. Their deep roots in the community enable them to provide tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of local homeowners.

8. Solar Bear

Website: Solar Bear

Solar Bear is a family-owned company known for its comprehensive services and strong customer satisfaction.

Whole-Home Efficiency

Solar Bear offers a 30-year warranty on equipment and performance, ensuring long-term reliability. Their holistic approach to home energy efficiency includes not only solar installations but also other energy-saving solutions.

Local Expertise

With a strong local presence, Solar Bear provides personalized service and support to its customers. Their commitment to the community and focus on customer satisfaction make them a trusted provider in Florida.

9. Sunrun

Website: Sunrun

Sunrun is a well-known provider offering innovative solar leasing options and comprehensive services.

Solar Leasing

Sunrun’s solar leasing options and PPAs make solar energy accessible without the need for large upfront investments. These financing models allow homeowners to pay for their solar system over time, often at rates lower than their current electricity bills.

Comprehensive Support

Sunrun provides detailed customer education and robust support throughout the installation process. Their team ensures that customers are well-informed and confident in their decision to switch to solar energy.

10. Tesla Solar

Website: Tesla Solar

Tesla Solar offers high-efficiency solar panels and the innovative Powerwall battery storage system, providing cutting-edge solutions for homeowners.

High-Efficiency Panels

Tesla’s solar panels are known for their high efficiency and durability, providing reliable energy production. Their sleek design and advanced technology make them a popular choice for tech-savvy homeowners.

Powerwall Battery

The Powerwall battery allows homeowners to store excess solar energy for use during nighttime or power outages, enhancing energy independence. This integrated system ensures that homes have a reliable power supply even when the sun isn’t shining.

11. Vivint Solar

Website: Vivint Solar

Vivint Solar is recognized for its strong customer service and flexible financing options, making solar energy more accessible.

Flexible Financing

Vivint Solar offers a range of financing options, including leases, PPAs, and loans. These options provide homeowners with the flexibility to choose the financing model that best suits their financial situation and energy needs.

Strong Customer Support

Vivint Solar provides excellent customer service, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free installation process. Their dedicated support team is available to assist customers at every step, from the initial consultation to post-installation support.

12. Palmetto Solar

Website: Palmetto Solar

Palmetto Solar is renowned for being an excellent energy partner, offering comprehensive solar solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of homeowners.

Comprehensive Solutions

Palmetto Solar provides a range of solar services, from initial installation to ongoing maintenance, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of solar systems. Their comprehensive approach ensures that each project is tailored to the specific needs and conditions of the client’s property, maximizing efficiency and energy savings.

Customer-Centric Approach

Palmetto Solar places a strong emphasis on customer satisfaction. Their team works closely with clients to provide personalized service and support throughout the entire process, from consultation and design to installation and maintenance. This customer-centric approach has earned them high praise and a loyal customer base.

13. Green Home Systems

Website: Green Home Systems

Green Home Systems is known for offering a wide selection of high-quality solar panels, ensuring that customers receive the best products available.

Quality Equipment

Green Home Systems partners with leading manufacturers to provide top-tier solar panels and components. This commitment to quality ensures that their installations are efficient, durable, and capable of generating significant energy savings for homeowners.

Excellent Customer Service

The company is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service. Their team is committed to ensuring a positive experience for all clients, from the initial consultation through to post-installation support. This dedication to customer satisfaction is reflected in their excellent reviews and high customer retention rates.

14. Freedom Solar Power

Website: Freedom Solar Power

Freedom Solar Power is a reliable provider with a strong track record of successful installations.

Reliable Service

Freedom Solar Power is known for its reliability and high-quality installations. Their experienced team ensures that each project is completed to the highest standards, providing homeowners with efficient and effective solar energy solutions.

Comprehensive Warranties

The company offers robust warranties that provide peace of mind and protection for the investment. These warranties cover both the equipment and the installation, ensuring long-term reliability and performance of the solar systems.

15. Solar Energy World

Website: Solar Energy World

Solar Energy World is a fast-growing independently-owned solar company with a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

Customer Satisfaction

Solar Energy World prioritizes customer satisfaction by providing top-notch service and support. Their team is dedicated to ensuring that every client is happy with their solar installation, from the initial consultation to the final inspection.

Strong Track Record

The company has a strong track record of successful installations, which is a testament to their expertise and commitment to quality. Their reliable performance has earned them a reputation as one of the top solar providers in the region.

16. Trinity Solar

Website: Trinity Solar

Trinity Solar is one of the largest privately-held solar installation companies in the U.S., known for its extensive experience and variety of financing options.

Extensive Experience

With years of experience in the solar industry, Trinity Solar provides reliable and efficient solar installations. Their experienced team ensures that each project is completed to the highest standards, providing homeowners with effective solar energy solutions.

Variety of Financing Options

Trinity Solar offers a range of financing options to make solar energy more accessible to homeowners. Whether through cash purchases, solar loans, or leasing options, Trinity Solar provides flexible financing solutions to suit different financial situations.

17. Florida Power Services

Website: Florida Power Services

Florida Power Services is known for its reliable installations and excellent customer service.

Custom Solutions

Florida Power Services offers custom solar solutions tailored to meet each client’s specific needs. Their team conducts thorough assessments to design systems that maximize energy production and savings.

Strong Reputation

The company has built a strong reputation for quality service and customer satisfaction. Their commitment to excellence ensures that each project is completed to the highest standards.

18. PowerHome Solar

Website: PowerHome Solar

PowerHome Solar is a full-service solar company offering comprehensive warranties and robust customer support.

Full-Service Provider

PowerHome Solar handles every aspect of the solar installation process, from design to maintenance. This comprehensive approach ensures that homeowners receive a seamless and hassle-free experience.

Comprehensive Warranties

The company offers robust warranties, providing long-term reliability and performance. These warranties cover both the equipment and the installation, ensuring that homeowners are protected against any issues that may arise.

19. Sunpro Solar

Website: Sunpro Solar

Sunpro Solar is nationally recognized for its professional service and reliable installations.

Professional Installations

Sunpro Solar’s team of experienced professionals ensures high-quality installations and efficient systems. Their expertise and attention to detail guarantee that each project is completed to the highest standards.

Robust Customer Support

The company provides strong customer support, ensuring a smooth installation process. Their dedicated team is available to assist clients at every step, from the initial consultation to post-installation maintenance.

These top solar companies in Florida represent the best in the industry, offering a range of services, high-quality products, and innovative financing options. By choosing one of these trusted providers, you can confidently invest in solar energy and enjoy the benefits of reduced electricity bills and a smaller carbon footprint.

21. BeeGreen Solar & Roofing

Website: BeeGreen Solar & Roofing

BeeGreen Solar & Roofing is a well-regarded company in Florida, known for offering a comprehensive range of solar and roofing services. Their strong focus on quality and customer service makes them a top choice for many homeowners looking to improve their home’s energy efficiency.

Range of Services

BeeGreen provides both solar and roofing solutions, allowing homeowners to manage multiple home improvement needs through a single provider. This integration ensures seamless project management and superior coordination between roofing and solar installations.

Quality and Customer Service

The company is dedicated to maintaining high standards of quality in all their services. BeeGreen’s commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in their attentive service and positive customer feedback. Their team works closely with clients to ensure that each project meets their specific needs and expectations.

22. Affordable Solar, Roof, & Air

Website: Affordable Solar, Roof, & Air

Affordable Solar, Roof, & Air offers a diverse range of services, including solar panel installations, roofing, and air conditioning services. Their comprehensive approach makes them a convenient choice for homeowners looking to enhance their home’s energy efficiency and comfort.

Comprehensive Services

The company provides a one-stop solution for solar energy, roofing, and HVAC needs. This integrated service model simplifies the process for homeowners and ensures consistent quality across all services.

Competitive Pricing

Affordable Solar, Roof, & Air is known for its competitive pricing, making solar energy and home efficiency upgrades more accessible. The company has received excellent customer reviews for its affordability and the quality of its services.

23. Transform Solar

Website: Transform Solar

Transform Solar is a leading provider known for its innovative solar solutions and high customer satisfaction. They offer a variety of financing options to make solar energy more accessible to a broader audience.

Innovative Solutions

Transform Solar focuses on providing cutting-edge solar technology and solutions. Their commitment to innovation ensures that clients receive the most efficient and advanced solar systems available.

Customer Satisfaction

The company is dedicated to maintaining high levels of customer satisfaction. Transform Solar’s team is known for its professionalism and responsiveness, ensuring a positive experience for all clients.

24. Solcium Solar

Website: Solcium Solar

Solcium Solar is recognized for its excellent customer service and quality installations. They offer comprehensive warranties and financing options, providing peace of mind and financial flexibility to their clients.

Excellent Customer Service

Solcium Solar is committed to providing top-notch customer service. Their team is attentive and supportive, guiding clients through each step of the solar installation process.

Quality Installations

The company ensures that all installations are performed to the highest standards, using quality materials and components. Their comprehensive warranties provide additional assurance of long-term reliability and performance.

25. SolarMax Technology

Website: SolarMax Technology

SolarMax Technology is a reliable solar provider known for its strong customer support. They offer various financing options, including solar loans and lease agreements, to accommodate different financial needs.

Reliable Service

SolarMax Technology is known for its reliability and strong customer support. They provide robust after-installation services to ensure that each solar system continues to perform optimally.

Financing Options

The company offers flexible financing options, including solar loans and leases, making it easier for homeowners to switch to solar energy without significant upfront costs.

26. Lumina Solar

Website: Lumina Solar

Lumina Solar is committed to high-quality installations and customer satisfaction. They offer competitive pricing and robust warranty options, ensuring that clients receive excellent value for their investment.

High-Quality Installations

Lumina Solar focuses on delivering high-quality solar installations. Their experienced team ensures that each project meets the highest standards of workmanship and efficiency.

Competitive Pricing

The company offers competitive pricing, making solar energy more affordable. Their robust warranty options provide additional security and peace of mind for clients.

27. Allied Energy Efficiency Experts

Website: Allied Energy Efficiency Experts

Allied Energy Efficiency Experts provides comprehensive energy efficiency solutions alongside their solar installations. Known for strong customer service and support, they help clients maximize their energy savings.

Energy Efficiency Solutions

Allied offers a range of energy efficiency services, including solar installations, to help homeowners reduce their energy consumption and costs. Their holistic approach ensures that all aspects of a home’s energy use are optimized.

Strong Customer Support

The company is known for its excellent customer service. Allied’s team works closely with clients to ensure they are satisfied with the results and fully understand how to maintain their new systems.

28. Solar Direct

Website: Solar Direct

Solar Direct offers a wide range of solar solutions and competitive pricing. Known for their reliable service and quality products, they are a trusted choice for many Florida homeowners.

Wide Range of Solutions

Solar Direct provides various solar energy solutions, including residential, commercial, and industrial installations. Their broad expertise allows them to handle projects of all sizes and complexities.

Competitive Pricing

The company is committed to offering competitive pricing, making solar energy more accessible to a wider audience. Their reliable service ensures that clients receive high-quality installations that meet their needs.

29. Empower Energy Solutions

Website: Empower Energy Solutions

Empower Energy Solutions focuses on residential and commercial solar installations, with a strong reputation for customer service and support.

Residential and Commercial Focus

Empower Energy Solutions specializes in both residential and commercial solar projects. Their expertise ensures that clients receive tailored solutions that maximize energy savings and efficiency.

Strong Reputation

The company has built a strong reputation for its customer service and support. Empower’s team is dedicated to ensuring that each client is satisfied with their solar installation and experiences long-term benefits.

30. Solar Impact

Website: Solar Impact

Solar Impact is a local provider with a strong focus on community and sustainability. They offer custom solar solutions and flexible financing options to meet the needs of their clients.

Community and Sustainability Focus

Solar Impact is deeply committed to sustainability and community engagement. Their projects often include educational components to raise awareness about renewable energy and its benefits.

Custom Solutions

The company offers custom solar solutions tailored to the specific needs of each client. Their flexible financing options make it easier for homeowners to invest in solar energy and contribute to a sustainable future.

These companies represent the best in Florida’s solar industry, offering a range of services, financing options, and warranties to meet the diverse needs of homeowners and businesses. Whether you are looking for national expertise or local service, these companies provide reliable and efficient solar energy solutions.

Wrapping up

The transition to solar energy in Florida is becoming increasingly accessible and beneficial, thanks to the outstanding services provided by top solar companies in the state. With Florida’s abundant sunshine and supportive financial incentives, investing in solar power is a wise decision for both homeowners and businesses.

This comprehensive guide highlights the top 30 solar companies in Florida, each offering unique strengths in customer service, innovative financing options, high-quality installations, and robust warranties. From SolarPrime USA, known for its exceptional service and innovative financing, to other reputable providers like SunPower, ADT Solar, and Blue Raven Solar, there is a wealth of options available to meet diverse energy needs.

Whether you’re seeking a national provider with extensive resources or a local company with deep community ties, these top solar firms offer reliable and efficient solar solutions tailored to your specific requirements. By choosing one of these trusted companies, you can confidently transition to solar energy, reduce your electricity bills, and contribute to a more sustainable future.

As you consider your options, remember to evaluate each company’s offerings, customer reviews, and financing plans to find the best fit for your needs. With the right solar partner, you can harness the power of the sun and enjoy the long-term financial and environmental benefits of renewable energy.